
アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州デトロイト出身、現在は福岡在住。長年日本人にIELTS対策を指導してきたIELTS Expert(IELTSを運営するIDP公認のIELTSの専門家)です。詳しい自己紹介は本編をご覧ください!
Good evening to everybody! I’m Colleen and you’re joining me for this IELTS speaking master class.
A little bit about me, I have experience with IELTS preparation and I have also studied a few foreign languages and taken foreign language tests, so I understand the feeling of taking a test for a different language.
I also teach English at a vocational school and I do narration and translation work, and I work as a DJ on a radio station here in Fukuoka. It’s called “Love FM”, so if you have a chance, please listen.
他には、専門学校で英語を教えたり、ナレーションや翻訳の仕事もしています。そしてここ福岡のラジオ局でDJとしても働いています。「LOVE FM」というので、機会があったらぜひ聞いてみてください。
So today, we're going to learn how the speaking test is going to be scored and also what mistakes to avoid.

My first piece of advice for the speaking test is to relax. I know it's hard to relax when you have to take a test, but it's just a conversation, it really is. The examiners are there to listen to your English and they want you to do well.
So what do they want to hear about? Well, they want to hear about a lot of things, actually. They want to listen to you talk about things that are related to daily life, and also things in the news, it’s things that we talk about every day.
My second piece of advice is practice speaking as much as you can. Whenever you can and wherever you can.
How often do you use English at home? Is it every day? Maybe two or three times a week? Once a week? Or rarely? If you said once a week or rarely, well, I'd recommend trying to find ways to speak English more often.
Of course, it's difficult when you don't have anyone around to practice with, and I understand that. However, for Part 1 and 2 of the test, being able to use your English for everyday things like food, sports, hobbies, the weather, and so on, is good practice.
There are lots of resources online and there are ways to connect to English tutors and practice your English. I believe the IDP website has a lot of information for you.

If you don't have the time, my tip for you is to actively think in your head about something you might talk about in English. I do this in Japanese all the time.
When I'm cycling on my bicycle, or on the train, or on the bus, I think about a situation that I might have, like if I go to the department store, and think about what I would say in Japanese , as if I were talking to another person. I know my grammar might not be perfect and my word choice might not be perfect as I'm thinking, but I can check that later.
What I do then is, I kind of practice in my head. Sometimes I move my mouth as I practice. I look silly, but because I'm practicing mentally, it's preparing me for when the real chance comes to talk about something.
This could be when you're at home cleaning the house. Think about how you'd explain your daily cleaning routine. If you're cooking food, think about how you could explain how to make your favorite recipe. If you're on the train or bus, think about how to explain the good points and the bad points of taking the bus or the train.
In Part 1, you’ll have topics like these.
・work or study(仕事や勉強していること)
・where you live (住んでいる場所)
・your country(自分の国)
・your free time(好きなこと・趣味)
So in Part 1, the examiners are listening for your ability to talk about yourself, your likes, and your dislikes, and you should be able to answer the question “why” when you're talking about what you like or don't like.
Think about the questions that we often ask in English, like when we're having a conversation. For example, “What do you do in your free time?”

You might answer “ I watch TV, ” right? But if you stop there, that just ends the conversation. The person you're talking to probably wants to know a little bit more about what you watch on TV. Tell them more.
My tip for these simple topic questions is to work from general answers, that's kind of like the big picture “I watch TV”, and then going to more specific answers, so you can answer the “why.”
You might say “I enjoy watching TV in my free time because it helps me to relax.” You could say “I enjoy watching anime like One Piece because I can escape from everyday life when I watch the adventures of these funny pirates.” That’s really more specific.
By giving specific information, you're making more complex or difficult sentences, which is always good. Also, you’re using your vocabulary and showing the examiner that you can talk a lot about a regular topic.
Of course, you can't do this with every question, but that's fine. The examiner always has another question for you, so don't worry.

In Part 2 and 3, you’ll have topics like these.
People could be about friends, family, or famous people.
Those could be travel or sports.
Lifestyle could be your jobs, relationships, travel, education, or country customs.
Environment could be nature, parks, buildings, things around you, things overseas.
Experiences may be failures or successes, decisions, life changes, and also maybe your goals.
Part 2 is when the examiner is listening for how well you can organize and present a short talk. You’re given a topic and you have to talk about it for two minutes. That's not always easy to do, even for native speakers.
But you do have a minute to prepare. For this, what you want to do is look at your topic and write down words that might help you as you speak.
There are some extra questions with your topic that will help you think about and things to say, but you could also think of the 5 W’s and the H.

Example Topic:Talk about a time you took a ride on a bus.
What? → trip
When? → July
Who? → mom and sister
Where? → Kyoto
Why? → too hot, too far
How? → smartphone
So you can think about these short question words and just write your answers in one or two words for each of them. Actually, it might lead to another idea like “There were many passengers” or “Kiyomizu temple was beautiful.”
Keep writing these words down and then if you have about seven to ten words on your paper, it will help you continue to talk because you can look at the paper as you are speaking.
The examiner keeps time in the second part. If they stop you in the middle of your talk, that’s great! It means you’re talking and you could just keep talking without a problem, right?
Part 3 is a discussion-type section. It continues the theme of your topic from Part 2. This is when the examiner is really listening to your ability to participate in this two-way discussion.
This is where you can really show off your vocabulary, your grammar, and your intonation, but the examiner is also listening to your ability to expand the discussion. So make sure you give your opinion and also express yourself.

Something important to remember in Part 3 is that you shouldn't talk about yourself. You need to go more general. Don't talk about personal experiences.
Example Question:Is it better to drive a personal car or take public transportation to go to work?
Bad Answer:I like to take the bus because it is cheaper than driving. If I drive my car, I have to pay for parking and gas.
Good Answer:I think taking the bus is better because it is cheaper than driving a car. If a person is using their own car, they don’t have to worry about the cost of parking and gas.
Of course, you want to show off your vocabulary, I know, but you don't always have to use very difficult or unusual vocabulary. What you need is solid vocabulary that will fit the topic that you're talking about.
For higher bands, simple grammar structures should be very very accurate. They should almost always be correct. More complex grammar structures should also be used as you speak.
Use sentences with more than just a subject and a verb.
Example:I take the bus.
↓ Instead....
I usually take the bus when I go to work because it is more convenient than taking a train.
You can see that I used the clause “when I go to work” and I also used comparison “it is more convenient than,” so this is a more complex grammatical structure.
Don’t worry too much about the grammar mistakes, you should move on. There's nothing to worry about if there is one or two mistakes.
Using synonyms is important.
I take the bus to work. The reason why I commute this way is because other forms of transportation are less convenient.
You want to also reword the sentences.
Example Question:“Do you prefer to take the bus or the train?”
Answer:I prefer to take the bus.
Better Answer:Personally speaking, I find taking the bus more preferable because…..
Another thing is idiomatic language.
I ride the bus to work.
I catch the bus on my daily commute.
Paraphrasing can be used to explain something that you don't have exact words for. Perhaps you want to explain Japanese customs or ideas like “しょうがない” or “お疲れ様です” ,many times there isn’t an English word.
Your examiner might be here in Japan and of course they may understand Japanese but IELTS is a test about global English, and so, outside of Japan, people won't understand what you're talking about if you use these words. You have to be able to explain what they mean and that is paraphrasing.
We want to think about the style.
Informal - talking with friends and family, people you know
Neutral - talking with someone you’re meeting for the first time or a mixed audience
Formal - talking with a superior, someone we respect
Formal expressions are like “therefore” or “due to the fact.” For the IELTS speaking test, you could just use “because” or “that is why.” Think about who you are talking to and what words you should use when you are speaking.
“therefore”や”due to the fact”はフォーマルな言葉遣いです。IELTSスピーキングテストでは“because”や“that is why”のほうが場面に合った言葉遣いといえます。
If you are jumping to informal to formal, it’s a little bit strange in English and I think in Japanese it would be strange as well like “おはー!でござる” or something.