今IDPで受験すると、 アマギフ3万GETのチャンス!
IELTS Academic assesses how well you can use English in an academic environment.
Students applying to high schools or vocational training programs in English-speaking countries might need to take this test.
Didn't get the band score you require? Check to see if you're eligible for a One Skill Retake.
Join the IELTS community and meet with other IELTS test takers from all over the world!
Access IELTS communityHad a great and memorable experience with IELTS - IFI. The staffs are supportive and very accommodating. Venue is stellar and conducive for testing. Not to mention, the online review is comprehensive and mock exam is absolutely helpful.
高校生や大学生のIELTS受験が増えるにつれ、先生方からのIELTSに関するお問合せも増えています。そこでIELTS共同オーナーであるIDP Educationでは、日本でIELTSの指導に携わる英語教員の皆様を対象に、受験料助成金制度、無料のオンライントレーニング行っています。