【Notice: IELTS in the Kyushu region】

From 2023, the IELTS test will be administered in the Kyushu region by IDP Education Japan, which will take over from Kitakyushu Prep School.

Click here for tests in Fukuoka.

Kitakyushu Prep School has been conducting the paper based IELTS in Kyushu since 2019 and the computer delivered IELTS in Tokyo since 2022. We would like to thank everyone who took the exam at Kitakyushu Prep School, IDP Education Japan will provide the best exam environment for IELTS test takers.

If you wish to request an additional Test Report Form or Enquiry on Results, please read here.

<Centre Details>JP031(Fukuoka)Kitakyushu Yobikou

E-mail: ielts.kitayobi@net.kitayobi.ac.jp

Tel: 093-383-8875

Website: https://sites.google.com/net.kitayobi.ac.jp/ielts